Covid-19 Updates at O’Connor & Co. Insurance.

We are still working and all anyone has to do is call us 508-943-3333 or email us and we are still fully functional and open thru the pandemic. Our doors will be locked but we have a drop box and we are fully functional. This will pass. One Day at a Time.

Prioritizing your health and wellbeing in the wake of anxiety and fear over concerns about Coronavirus Covid-19.

Dear O’Connor & Co. community member,

As new cases of the coronavirus (CoVid-19) are reported in the United States and around the world, we would like to share some steps we can all take, as a community, to keep both ourselves, our friends and family safe. Our immune system works best when we get enough sleep, hydrate, eat right and alleviate  stress. I’d like to acknowledge that we’re in a stressful time of uncertainty right now. It’s important as part of your personal wellness to keep your stress levels down. If you are well, physical activity is a great way to reduce stress.   So tune out for a while each day….. set time and space AND STRESS aside so you can connect with your body and simply breath.

To keep our office clean, safe and sanitary all doorknobs and other high-touch surfaces are being cleaned several times each day with disinfectant. Tissues and hand sanitizer are available for our employees and visitors (and will be for as long as they can be replenished).

If you are exhibiting any signs of illness please take note of the following alternative options.  To ensure that our office space remains safe for our customers and employees , we ask for your cooperation with the following:

  • Please understand that it is rarely necessary to come into the office to be able to transact business with us.  You can chat with us on-line at oconnorinsurance24-7.com  /   you can email us and a complete listing of our email addresses are also available on-line.   You can give us a call at 508-943-3333.  Claims can be taken on-line or over the phone.  Payments can be made on line and a complete listing of each carriers billing department is located on our web site as well . 

We can all help each other in this time of anxious uncertainty with just a few simple steps:

  • If you are sick, stay home and communicate with us alternatively.  Use these alternative communication or business transaction channels (outlined above). 
  • Make sure that you always cover your sneeze or cough. 
  • Avoid touching your face. 
  • Use a hand sanitizer and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds frequently throughout the day.
  • Stay hydrated.  It can limit the ability of disease to enter your lungs. Health expert on limiting coronavirus risk: ‘Get sleep, stay hydrated, wash your hands’


Please let me know if you have questions or concerns and for updates and additional information regarding Covid-19 please visit these websites:


Information on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html


Thank you for your understanding.

Dan O’Connor
O’Connor & Co. Insurance Agency, Inc.


How to Protect Yourself from Uninsured and Under-insured Motorists

This might be the scariest number you see today. According to the Insurance Research Council, ONE out of SEVEN drivers on the road in the United States has no insurance coverage at all. Others who might be carrying insurance are still allowed to carry limits so low that they wouldn’t come close to compensating you or your passengers should there be serious bodily physical harm.

For drivers who are legally insured, this is a truly frightening statistic. When you consider how expensive the fallout from a car accidents can be, taking into account everything: medical, property damage, vehicle damage, time lost from work, final expenses…etc, these costs quickly escalate into amounts even above average earners could never afford out-of-pocket.

What are the options available to protect yourself from uninsured or under insured drivers?

Keep reading, please.

The Problem With Insurance Requirements…

We need to confront reality before it confronts us. Let’s face it. There will always be drivers who will decide not to maintain insurance coverage at all. If you have an accident with one of these folks, and there is bodily injury, then Uninsured and Under insured motorist insurance is the best way to protect you and your passengers financial security.  Even if you have excellent health insurance those kind of policies are not designed to compensate you for all that you may lose.  While most states require proof of insurance in order to register a car, there are too many ways around this law for you to depend solely on THE LAW to protect you.  You need to protect yourself. In order to do this, insurers offer optional limits for uninsured and under insured motorist coverage. Beyond being just a good idea, these optional higher limits should be part of your required auto insurance protection package.

What if you are involved in an accident with a driver who is legally covered but the amount of coverage they carry falls below the cost of the damages they cause? That’s a real problem, unless you’ve taken the proactive step of insuring yourself against Under-insuredmotorists. If you have not, the likely source for covering these additional costs may very well be YOU.

The Bottom Line

It’s unfortunate that we have so many people who choose not to take financial responsibility for their negligent actions on the roads.  This is the sad reality of life today but that does not mean you have to go unprotected. You CAN and should protect yourself by making sure you have adequate Uninsured and Underinsured limits on your auto insurance policy.   Discuss this very important coverage question with an experienced agent, like those at O’Connor & Co Insurance Agency. On-Line or on the phone we are always available for a one on one conversation.


Dan explains reasons to choose a local insurance agency

Alliance Main St. re-elects Rich Webber as President.

rich-webberBoard Members of Alliance Main Street unanimously RE- ELECTED Richard Webber as President to serve for another three-year term. A 36 year veteran of the insurance industry, Webber possesses in depth knowledge of sales, insurance products and agency operations. After graduating from college, Rich joined Aetna Life and Casualty as an underwriter, supervisor and marine specialist. After six years at Aetna he joined a local agency and became eventual co-owner of Webber & Grinnell Insurance Agency Inc. Over the years, he has been involved with the Mass Agents Association, local educational events and numerous industry and company advisory boards.

Alliance Main Street Group is an association of 12 Massachusetts based Independent Agents with expertise and reputations as true insurance industry leaders and professionals. The group aligns themselves in order to take advantage of expanded company relationship market offerings and idea exchanges. The goals of the group will continue to be an extended reach to provide the best services, product value and coverage for all agent member policy holders.

Massachusetts law requiring headlights and tail lights to be on when raining or foggy

Effective April 7, 2015, a new MA law requires that you turn on your headlights and tail lights whenever you turn on your windshield wipers. The new law also requires YOU to use your headlights and tail lights when visibility is less than 500 feet. Failure to follow the new law could result in a ticket AND and insurance surcharge. So, please remember to Let Your Lights Shine….when it’s rainy or foggy.