How to earn a discount on home and car insurance in Massachusetts.

Everyone wants to save money on insurance. But many people in Massachusetts don’t realize how easy it is to get a “second opinion”. Multi-line discounts (Home and Auto with the same company) are an excellent way to reduce both car and home insurance costs without sacrificing coverage. By securing several insurance policies through one company, customers can save 10, 15 as much as 20 percent on their total annual premiums. Customers don’t need to own a home either to get the multi-line discount. Policyholders can earn this discount with a renter’s insurance policy or condo insurance whenever both policies (renters or condo and auto) are with the same company, you qualify!

How Much Can You Save?
According to industry data from the Insurance Information Institute, policyholders can reduce premiums by 10 to 30 percent per policy. Some companies offer customers a 10 percent discount on car insurance premiums and 30 percent off Home Insurance, Renter’s or Condo Insurance policies. This can add up to discounts as high as several hundred dollars per year!

For example, homeowners who pay $500 for home insurance can lower their premiums by $100 to $150 per year. They’ll also enjoy a discount of $300 or more on their auto insurance policy with a premium of $2,000. With a multi-line discount this can save the consumer $450 or more each year, on the same exact coverage they have now!

Ways to Combine Coverage
Discount auto insurance and discount home insurance can be secured in several ways. Unlike multi-car coverage in which buyers receive insurance for multiple vehicles under one policy, multi-line incentives allow consumers to secure discounts on separate insurance policies. This means customers can mix and match their insurance coverage while earning sizable discounts.

Buyers can earn a discount quickly and easily when they purchase home insurance and auto insurance from one provider. This is also true for customers who purchase renter’s insurance or condo insurance through the same company that issues their auto insurance coverage. In some cases, insurance companies may also offer a multi-line discount on life insurance and other coverage options.

Avoid Coverage Lapses
Let us cancel your current insurance coverage thus making certain that your new policy is approved and in place prior to cancelling your old coverage. Most customers want to switch coverage immediately after they receive our quotes. So it’s imperative that the transition be coordinated perfectly so the switch avoids the risk of a lapse in coverage. That is where a licensed Independent Insurance Agent comes in, to make sure the new insurance company has approved the policy, received payment and issued a convenient start date. After everything is in order, that is when we contact your old agent, insurer and Registry to let them know about the change in company.

Comparison shopping is the best and easiest way to secure a “second opinion” competitive quote. In most cases, multi-line discounts are the best way to get the same level of coverage for a lower price.Everyone wants to save money on insurance. But many people in Massachusetts don’t realize how easy it is to get a “second opinion”. Multi-line discounts (Home and Auto with the same company) are an excellent way to reduce both car and home insurance costs without sacrificing coverage. By securing several insurance policies through one company, customers can save 10, 15 as much as 20 percent on their total annual premiums. Customers don’t need to own a home either to get the multi-line discount. Policyholders can earn this discount with a renter’s insurance policy or condo insurance whenever both policies(renters or condo and auto) are with the same company, you qualify!