What to do in case of an auto accident

Automobile accidents are unexpected and stressful and can leave even the most experienced motorists shocked, stunned and more than a little shaken. If you are in an accident, O’Connor & Co. Insurance Agency is committed to helping restore your peace of mind as soon as possible.

Accidents happen and they can be quite upsetting, especially if you don’t know what to do after it happens. Whether it was your fault, or the other driver’s, it’s important to know what steps to take following an accident to make filing your claim a little easier:

If you’re in an auto accident, obtain the following information:

  • Date, time, and city of the accident
  • Accident location (street names and landmarks)
  • Year, make, model, color and plate number of the other vehicle
  • Driver’s name, address, and telephone number of other vehicle
  • Owner’s name, address, and phone number (if not the driver)
  • Name, address, and phone number of occupants in all vehicle(s) involved in the accident
  • Name of the insurance carrier for the other vehicle
  • Policy number for the other vehicle, if possible
  • Name and phone number of witnesses
  • If your vehicle has to be towed, make sure to get the tow companies information

CLICK HERE to pull up an Accident Reporting Form to print and keepclipboard in your glove compartment. This form will help you to gather the Clipboardnecessary information in the event of an accident.

Once you have collected the information from the accident; contact us at the agency and we will set up your insurance claim, go over the claim process with you, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

You do not have to get an estimate on your own. An appraiser from your insurance company will determine the dollar amount of damages to your vehicle. The appraiser may be available at a drive-in appraisal location designated from your insurance company or an appointment can be set up for the appraiser to see your vehicle at your convenience.

An insurance adjuster will be assigned to your claim and the adjuster will determine the final settlement and the liability of your accident.

A Commonwealth of Massachusetts Crash Operator Report must be completed if damage to either vehicle is over $1000 or if anyone in either vehicle is injured. We have crash reports at the agency and can help you fill it out. We can also forward the report to your insurance adjuster, police, and Registry of Motor Vehicles.

Automobile accidents take a toll on everyone involved; financially, emotionally and sometimes physically. The claim process will be easier following an accident if you know the details of your policy. If you have any people in car questions regarding what would be covered in the event of an accident we are here to help make sure you have the correct coverage for your specific needs.

Side notes:

Collision Coverage: An optional coverage that provides money to repair your vehicle no matter whose fault the accident is. Your deductible will be applied, if you are found at fault. This coverage is required by most banks, if you have a loan on your car.

Comprehensive Coverage: An optional coverage that provides protection against: fire, theft, glass breaks, vandalism, hail, flood, malicious mischief and contact with birds or animals. Although comprehensive coverage does come with a deductible, there is no deductible on glass replacements or repairs.

Substitute Transportation: An optional coverage that reimburses you up to the limits shown on your policy’s declaration page. Substitute transportation provides coverage for certain situations if your vehicle was involved in a collision and is being repaired or replaced.

O’Connor & Co. Insurance Agency is an independent agency available to make coverage recommendations, review your policy, and keep up with your changing insurance needs. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.